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'Living Together' by 'Bee Gees'
from the album 'Spirits Having Flown'
All songs by Bee Gees
All albums by Bee Gees
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Lyrics for 'Living Together' by 'Bee Gees'
Why Ain't We Livin',livin' Together Instead Of Being So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin',livin' Together Instead Of Being So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin' Together, Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' Alone
Why Ain't We Livin' Together, Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' Alone

I Lay My Heart On You And You Can Show The Way
I Give My Everlasting Love Until My Dying Day
Take This Lonely Soul , The Water Or The Wine
A Chance To Make You Mine
I Lay My Body On The Line

Why Ain't We Livin', Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin', Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin' Together ,livin' Together Instead Of Bein' Alone
Why Ain't We Livin' Together ,livin' Together Instead Of Bein' Alone

My Life Was Emptiness Until You Came Along
I Nearly Fell Apart , You Took My Heart And Made Me Strong
I Need All Of You To Get Me Through The Night
A Chance To See The Light
I Lay My Body On The Line

Why Ain't We Livin',livin' Together Instead Of Bein' So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin',livin' Together Instead Of Bein' So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' Alone
Why Ain't We Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' Alone

Why Ain't We Livin', Livin' Together Instead Of Being So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin', Livin' Together Instead Of Being So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin' Together , Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' Alone
Why Ain't We Livin' Together, livin' Together Instead Of Bein' Alone

Why Ain't We Livin' Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin' Livin' Together Instead Of Bein So So Far Apart
Why Ain't We Livin' Livin' Together Instead Of Bein' So So Far Apart(fade)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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