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'Tell Me Why' by 'Beatles'
from the album 'Box Set'
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Lyrics for 'Tell Me Why' by 'Beatles'
Tell Me Why You Cried, And Why You Lied To Me,
Tell Me Why You Cried, And Why You Lied To Me.

Well I Gave You Ev'rything I Had,
But You Left Me Sitting On My Own,
Did You Have To Treat Me Oh So Bad,
All I Do Is Hang My Head And Moan.

Tell Me Why You Cried, And Why You Lied To Me,
Tell Me Why You Cried, And Why You Lied To Me.

If There's Something I Have Said Or Done,
Tell Me What And I'll Apologize,
If You Don't Really Can't Go On,
Holding Back These Tears In My Eyes.

Tell Me Why You Cried, And Why You Lied To Me,
Tell Me Why You Cried, And Why You Lied To Me.

Well I Beg You On My Bended Knees,
If You'll Only Listen To My Pleas,
Is There Anything I Can Do,
'cause I Really Can't Stand It, I'm So In Love With You.

Tell Me Why You Cried, And Why You Lied To Me.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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