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'Why Do Fools Fall In Love' by 'Beach Boys'
from the album 'Shut Down Vol 2'
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Lyrics for 'Why Do Fools Fall In Love' by 'Beach Boys'
Doom Bopa Doom Bopa Doom Bopa Doo Dut

Ooh Wah Ooh Wah Ooh Wah

Why Do Fools Fall In Love
Why Do Birds Sing So Gay
Love Is Awake At The Break Of Day
Why Do They Fall In Love

Why Does The Rain Fall From Up Above
Why Do Fools Fall In Love
Why Do They Fall In Love

Why Does My Heart Skip With A Crazy Beat
'fore I Know It Will Fail To Beat
Tell My Why Why
Why Do They Fall In Love

Why Do Fools Fall In Love
Doom Bopa Doom Bopa Doom Bopa Doo Dut
Why Do Birds Sing So Gay
Love Is Awake At The Break Of Day
Why Do They Fall In Love

Why Does The Rain Fall From Up Above
Why Do Fools Fall In Love
Why Do They Fall In Love

Tell My Why Why
Why Do They Fall In Love

Tell My Why Why
Why Do They Fall In Love

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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