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'Here I Go' by '2 Unlimited'
from the album 'Real Thing'
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Lyrics for 'Here I Go' by '2 Unlimited'
Key:-r:- Ray
A:- Anita

A: Ohhh... Why Don't You Catch Me?
R: Catch Me, Cause I Falling Deep Down Below
A: I'm Falling! Yeah!

R: There's No Way Out, Man You Try To Escape
Concentrate On Your Mind 'cause It Might Just Break
Into Half, Crack Down Fast
I Keep My Face Straight No Need To Laugh
I Did Some Right, I Did Some Wrong
I Regret These Things, But I Gotta Stay Strong
I Feel The Pressure, Now Don't You Know?
Catch Me, 'cause I'm Falling Deep Down Below

A: Oh, I Can't Escape, I'm Trapped There Is No Safe Place To Go
And I Do Regret The Things I Did, But How On Earth Could I Know?
Here I Go!
Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Deep
Here I Go
Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Falling
Here I Go

R: Here I Go
Here I Go
A: Here I Go
R: Catch Me, Come On

R: Now Here's The Question Any Suggestions?
You Play It Yourself, Taught Yourself A Lesson
Out Of Your Mind You Feel Like Stressing
Searching For Answers, You Keep On Guessing
You Messed It Up, You're Living Low
How Far You'll Go, Man I Don't Know
Come Out The Dark, I'll Bring You In The Light
And Leave Your Problems All Behind

A: Here I Go
R: Here I Go Again
Here I Go Again
A: Here I Go
R: Catch Me, 'cause I'm Falling Deep Down Below!

A: Oh, I Can't Escape, I'm Trapped There Is No Safe Place To Go
And I Do Regret The Things I Did, But How On Earth Could I Know?
Here I Go!
Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Deep
Here I Go
R: Here I Go
Here I Go
A: Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Deep
Here I Go
R: Deep Down Below
Deep Down Below
A: Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Deep
Here I Go
R: Here I Go
Here I Go
Here I Go
A: Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Falling
How Could I Know?
R: Catch Me, I'm Falling
A: Catch Me
R: Now Let It Flow
Here I Go
R: Here I Go
Here I Go
A: Here I Go
R: Catch Me
Catch Me
A: Here I Go!
Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Deep
Here I Go!
Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Deep
Here I Go!
Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Deep
Here I Go
Here I Go
Here I Go Catch Me I'm Falling Falling

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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