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'Invite Me To Trance' by '2 Unlimited'
from the album 'No Limits'
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Lyrics for 'Invite Me To Trance' by '2 Unlimited'
Key:-"a" - Anita "r" - Ray

A: Uh....
But I'm Standing Still, I'm Standing Still, I'm Standing Still

A: But I'm Standing Still, I'm Standing Still, I'm Standing Still

A: The World Is Spining, But I'm Standing Still
A Voice Is Calling Saying 'nowhere Left To Go'
Nothing Moving
No-one Grooving
I'll Be Waiting
Invite Me To Trance

A: Give A Heart Another Chance

A: Stand Be Kneeling, Spining Me Round And Round
A Emtpy Feeling, I Know It Can't Go On
Nothing Moving
No-one Grooving
I'll Be Waiting
Invite Me To Trance

R: Transport You, Take You Away
Far From Here, Far From Today
Transform My Time, Change Of Heart
Another Chance, Another Start
Transfer Your Pain Where It Hurts
To Be Let Go, The Heavy Works
Transmit Your Love To World Within
'cause The Only Hope Is A Chance To Win

A: The World Is Spining, But I'm Standing Still
A Voice Is Calling Saying 'nowhere Left To Go'
Nothing Moving
No-one Grooving
I'll Be Waiting
Invite Me To Trance

A: Give A Heart Another Chance

A: I Want You To Give My Heart Another Chance

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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