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'Let The Beat Control Your Body' by '2 Unlimited'
from the album 'Hits'
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Lyrics for 'Let The Beat Control Your Body' by '2 Unlimited'
Let The Beat Control Your Body.

Written By A. Dels/ R.l. Slijngaard/ P. Wilde/ J. P. Decoster
?copyright 1996 Byte Records
-a- Anita ; R - Ray

A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body
A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body
A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Contol Your Body
R: Now The My Beat Control Your Body!
R: Let My Beat / Let My Beat

A: Control Your Body/ The Beat Is Running Throw Your Vains/ Control Your Body /when You Let It Penetrate Your Brain!

R: The Booming System Which Plays In Places / Move Your System, Change These Spaces / When I'm On The Mic You Can't Refuse / No One Ever Came To Preach, I Came To Amuse / Techno Making; No Mista
Never Faking / Always Breaking It Down, Hey To A Party / Now Let My Beat Control Your Body!

A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body
R: Now Let My Beat Control Your Body
A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body
R: Let My Beat / Let My Beat

A: Control Your Body/ The Beat Is Running Throw Your Vains/ Control Your Body /when You Let It Penetrate Your Brain!

R: It's My Beat Now / It's My Beat
A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body
A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body, Yeah...
R: Let My Beat / Let My Beat

R: Down With The Forces How We Go / The Second To First Just You To Show / You Just Can't Stand Still 'cause You Gotta Move / You Feel The Bass Line You Feel The Groove / My Beat Accepts You Jus
You Are / It Drives You Away Just Like A Fast Car / It's My Beat, It Belongs To Me / So Let My Beat Control Your Body!

A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body
R: Let The Beat Control Your Body!
A: Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body / Let The Beat Control Your Body
R: Now Let My Beat Control Your Body!

A: Control Your Body/ The Beat Is Running Throw Your Vains/ Control Your Body /when You Let It Penetrate Your Brain!

A: Let The Beat Control Your Body!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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