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'The Magic Friend' by '2 Unlimited'
from the album 'Get Ready For This'
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Lyrics for 'The Magic Friend' by '2 Unlimited'
R- Ray A- Anita

R: 1-2-3-4!

R:don't Just Stand There, Let's Get Loose.
I Am Ray, I've Got The Juice.
Straight To Your Heart And Back Again
I Tell You I Am Just Your Friend
Nice And Slow, That's How We'll Go
My Love To You, I'll Let It Flow
You Want Me? Come On Think Again
Because The Magic Friend, That's What I Am!

R: 'cause The Magic Friend Is What I Am!
A: The Magic Friend Is What He Is!

R: 'cause The Magic Friend Is What I Am!
A: The Magic Friend Is What He Is!

R: Yo Yo Yo Yo Taste That Music
Real Loose, You've Got To Use It
Don't Be Afraid For Magic Friends
'cause That Magic Friend Is What I Am!

A:the Magic Friend Is What He Is!
The Magic Friend Is What He Is!
The Magic Friend Is What He Is!
R: 'cause The Magic Friend Is What I Am!
R: Don't Just Stand There, Let's Get Loose
I Am Ray, I've Got The Juice
Straight To Your Heart, And Back Again
I Tell You I Am Just Your Friend
Nice And Slow, That's How We'll Go
My Love To You, I'll Let It Flow
You Want Me? Come On Think Again
'cause The Magic Friend Is What I Am!

R: 'cause The Magic Friend Is What I Am!
A: The Magic Friend Is What He Is!
The Magic Friend Is What He Is!
The Magic Friend Is What He Is!
The Magic Friend Is What He Is!
The Magic Friend Is What He Is!
The Magic Friend Is What He Is!
The Magic Friend Is What He Is!

A: Don't Be Afraid, He's Just The Magic Friend!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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