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'Candy Everybody Wants' by '10000 Maniacs'
from the album 'Our Time In Eden'
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Lyrics for 'Candy Everybody Wants' by '10000 Maniacs'
( Drew/merchant )

( Alto Sax: Maceo Parker/tenor Sax: Alfred "pee Wee" Ellis/trombone: Fred Wesley (together: The Jb Horns)/percussion: Paulinho Da Costa )

If Lust And Hate Is The Candy,
If Blood And Love Tastes So Sweet,
Then We Give 'em What They Want.
Hey, Hey, Give 'em What They Want.

So Their Eyes Are Growing Hazy 'cos They Wanna Turn It On,
So Their Minds Are Soft And Lazy.
Well, Hey, Give 'em What They Want.

If Lust And Hate Is The Candy,
If Blood And Love Tastes So Sweet,
Then We Give 'em What They Want.

So Their Eyes Are Growing Hazy 'cos They Wanna Turn It On,
So Their Minds Are Soft And Lazy.
Well... Who Do You Wanna Blame?

Hey, Hey, Give 'em What They Want.

If Lust And Hate Is The Candy,
If Blood And Love Tastes So Sweet,
Then We Give 'em What They Want.

So Their Eyes Are Growing Hazy 'cos They Wanna Turn It On,
So Their Minds Are Soft And Lazy.

Well... Who Do You Wanna Blame?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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